Old meets new
A very new neighbourhood , with an old tower in the distance 😊

I don’t know why the British call spiders Fred, but hello Fred! As long as they stay on the other side of the window I’m happy (this was taken through the kitchen window!)

After many years we’ve lit candles again! And… Because I miss making monochrome pictures I dug out an old phone with a monochrome sensor 🥰 The lens needs cleaning I think, but I’m happy enough!

Lying here in the garden and I suddenly realised that I have all of the primary colours right here in front of me! (Well, primary light colours anyway 😅 )

I saw this at a playground today and could help but think: prisoner zero has escaped 🤣 For those who don’t understand: Google #DoctorWho #EleventhHour Yes. I’m a geek and proud! 🤩🥰😍😎

The gathering clouds
The weather here has been hot, humid and annoying. My hay fever is here with a vengeance, I’m tired and flustered because I’m outside of my (literal) comfort zone. Yesterday the clouds started to gather and we were treated to hours hour rain, along with a light and sound show. The result? 30°C yesterday and […]

Vaccination 💉
So, today was the day I could get my first COVID shot! And what a place to get it! I often see this tower when driving in the neighbourhood, or from the nearby dunes when walking, but I’ve never seen it close up! Aside from the ache in my arm, the blue sky represents how […]

Today on my twitch stream we built the Lego Bonsai Tree. I’ve loved Bonsai trees since I was a teenager, though never managed to keep one alive for more than a few months (I don’t think I’ve managed to keep many plants alive for more than a couple of months). So when Lego released these […]

View from the window
Back in the office today and even with the not amazing weather I still adore this view 🥰

Back in the dunes
We have taken a week off of work, and spent that time at home watching the rain come down… Yesterday though the sun came out and we took full advantage for a 7km hike through the dunes. around lakes, up steep hills and through the woods that have grown on the dunes in the last […]